Lightbreeze is gorgeous.
yeah, in my eyes, she's beautiful.
with a pretty pelt and a pretty voice and a pretty attitude.
everything about her to me is just the best.
some cats say i'm obsessed with her.
but she doesn't seem to mind.
Eagledance, on the other hand, is an absolute pet peeve.
he's really annoying.
with his fancy shmancy little accent from goodness knows wherever he came from.
i hate him with a complete burning passion.
i want him to suffer.
just... i don't want to talk about him.
let's talk about Lightbreeze, shall we?
her voice is so rhythmic, so melodic...
her pelt gleams in such a beautiful way in the sunlight...
she's just a stunning cat all around...
anyway, me?
well, i'm Smokeheart in case you haven't picked it up yet.
some say that my name is fitting to me -- like i actually have smoke for a heart.
yeah, well, i don't really care what they say.
well, i prefer to think of how i got my name is by my pelt.
it's smoky black you could say.
and i've got brown eyes.
nothing too special.
there are times when i despair that Lightbreeze'll never love me the way i do her because of my looks.
she's so delicate and so fine...
and i'm just this big, clunky tomcat, probably unworthy of her.
and... yeah.
i'm part of EarthClan.
so is Lightbreeze.
yeah, Lightbreeze is the absolute love of my life.
i will never love anyone else.
i ain't open for crushes or mates unless it's Lightbreeze.
if i can't have Lightbreeze, then i won't have anybody.